I am a PhD student in Biomedical Data Science at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, working in Sushmita Roy's lab. I develop and implement machine learning algorithms to study how the DNA folds itself inside the cell. More specifically, I use matrix factorization and multi-task learning to find the structural units of 3D genome organization, and how they change under different cell lineages, diseases, and species.
PhD in Biomedical Data Science, 2024
University of Wisconsin, Madison
MSc in Computer Sciences, 2017
University of Wisconsin, Madison
BSc in Cellular Molecular Biology, 2011
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Jupyter Notebook
SQL (Oracle, MS)
Tree-Guided Integrated Factorization (TGIF) is a pipeline designed to simultaneously analyze multiple input Hi-C datasets representing related biological conditions and identify conserved or context-specific structural elements that build up the 3D genome.
To systematically identify higher-order changes in 3D genome organization linked to breast cancer development, we developed NE-MVNMF that combines network enhancement followed by multitask non-negative matrix factorization.
Here we present GRiNCH, a novel matrix-factorization-based approach for simultaneous TAD discovery and smoothing of contact count matrices from high-throughput 3C data.
Where are the high-growth, demographically suitable areas for a new spinning club franchise?
Can deep learning model predict which regions of our genetic code influence each other?
How do we scale distributed gradient descent to a large batch size?
How do we find structural units of DNA from its 3D conformation inside the cell?
Dimension Reduction Tutorial at GLBIO 2019
What are the groups of driver genes in each stage of cell reprogramming?
How do we identify genomic regions responsible for dynamic 3D organization of the DNA during development?
How can we predict flu outbreaks by looking at our own and our neighbor’s history?
What are the persistent and dynamic structural elements of the 3D genome during a dynamic biological process?
Women in Association for Computing Machinery (WACM) workshop on fundamentals of machine learning